Join our Earth Vision Alliance

Join our Earth Vision Alliance

We are presently building a Global Team of Experts who share a common Vision for our world, are aligned with our intentions for Lemuria Rising, and who find a destiny within our destiny. There are many unique and timely projects for this Earth Vision Center. Each is designed to be a blessing to humanity. If you have an advanced technology, invention, advanced healing modality, or business for positive planetary change and would like to be a part of our Earth Vision Alliance, please email us with your information, bio and/or resume.

A valued member of our Earth Vision Alliance is welcome to lend their skills, talents, and expertise to our Global Vision, collaborate on our many projects, bring forth their own business center, school or endeavor, attend our programs and events, and may be invited to sit on our Earth Vision Advisory Board according to their level of expertise, commitment to our Global Plan, and their unique offering to humanity.

A host of strategic alliances are now joining
the Earth Vision Foundation to work on this project.
Let us know if you are destined to be a part of this vast humanitarian endeavor.

Email Us Now


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